C4I-RPAS Datasheet



Robotic Cleaning and Paint (Attachment) System

This Crawler is a device that will stick to the vertical above ground metal storage tanks, by a strong magnet, cleaning and de-coating using a rotating, very high pressure, water jet arm and collecting the debris using strong suction. The Crawler is remotely operated from the base of the tank. The debris is guided to a couple of filters, so that the water can be safely and legally exposed off, or reused. The de coated area will be dry and ready for (re) coating …




Robotic Cleaning and Paint (Attachment) System

This Crawler is a device that will stick to the vertical above ground metal storage tanks, by a strong magnet, cleaning and de-coating using a rotating, very high pressure, water jet arm and collecting the debris using strong suction. The Crawler is remotely operated from the base of the tank. The debris is guided to a couple of filters, so that the water can be safely and legally exposed off, or reused. The de coated area will be dry and ready for (re) coating …


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