Sludge Removal Unit

    The concept development of a (small), modular Sludge Removal Unit (SRU) that can be incorporated into our electrical robot design. To successfully remove sludge, like salt sediments and densely packed semi solids, there are a number of procedures and methods that can be considered, we are basically looking at dredging with an agitator tool, to loosen the sludge and make it available for removal, through suction. Simply trying the remove sludge with a suction hose, will not be very efficient.
  • C4I-RPAS

    Robotic Cleaning and Paint (Attachment) System

    This Crawler is a device that will stick to the vertical above ground metal storage tanks, by a strong magnet, cleaning and de-coating using a rotating, very high pressure, water jet arm and collecting the debris using strong suction. The Crawler is remotely operated from the base of the tank. The debris is guided to a couple of filters, so that the water can be safely and legally exposed off, or reused. The de coated area will be dry and ready for (re) coating …
  • Pipe Robot and tank options

    • Visual testing of the inside pipe track • Paint preparation, through sand blasting • Cleaning the debris, through vacuuming • Painting of the required section • Observation of all operations • Testing of the painted area


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